True GDM-49 - Swing Glass Door Merchandiser Cooler
2 Door - 49 Cu. Ft. - 54-1/8"W
Tested & Working!
$249 shipping.
True 2 Glass Door Cooler Merchandiser Model: GDM-49 Dim: 54" w x 32" d x 78" t Volts: 115 Amps: 7.3 Phase: 1 HP: 1/2 This glass door merchandiser is perfect for convenience stores, small grocery stores, farmers markets and concession stands. It has been tested in our shop works as intended by the manufacturer. The True GDM-49 features a white, aluminum interior with a stainless steel floor. This unit is NSF approved and UL listed. We have multiple units available. We have True model GDM-72 3 door coolers and model GDM-72F freezers as well.